Monday, November 12, 2007

Pics and Email from Week 11/12

Here is part of Ben's email he sent us this week and some pictures. Love, Allison

Hey mom and dad in mexiland and ash and al and jay in the U.s. Sounds like you`ll have a great B day mom. Glad you will be in Mexico and can enjoy that hot weather. Wish I could be there with you guys! But I dont feel bad, I love being here too and will be there with you guys later. I didnt know everyone else was going down too, that will be a blastoff. Mom I said my area is like a movie becuase its sooo pretty here! On sundays we eat with a member that drives us up to her house an hour away from the church up in the moutains. All surrounding are moutians you can climb and big feilds of cactus. I cant wait for you to come here! You are going to want to buy a house. So this week was so good. That family that I contacted in the store have been progressing prefect. It is the mom and her 3 little kids. The kids are so cute when they see us they run and give us hugs and we always do magic for them and play with them. We visit them almost every day and teach them and they feed us dinner. When we taught them about baptism we challened them and they all said yes! It made me feel soooo good. They are the nicest people ever. The pic is us playing dominos! They play the same way down here its so fun. The kids names are, Andra 11, Fernando 7 and Abby 6. We have 5 baptisms planned for the 22th of November of people we have been teaching. So everyone pray for them please! So on tuesday we ate with a lady that gave us 4 hambergers each! She didnt ask us she just served us 4. And her old mom was sitting there staring at us and every time we took a drink we filled our glass back up. I was DYING because I need to drink water to pass down the hambergers becuase I was so full but couldnt drink water because grandma kept filling my glass up! My comp and I were about to explode! But we finally finished them after like an hour. Then we had a cita with Edilia from the store and she gave us tamalies and cookies! Her mom was like I just baked them you have to try them. And we cant refuse becuase the people get super offended. So I was struggling to eat the cookie and the mom was like¨oh you dont like it do you¨just because I wasnt eating it super fast. The people here are religious about the food more than my other areas and I think more than any other part of the world! They get offended if you refuse even a glass of pop. And if you leave food or dont eat fast they tell you ^oh i wont make this because you dont like it¨its so annoying!! Sometimes I just have to be straight and tell them people I dont want it. Or say it makes me sick or something, but Dad and jay Im sure you know how it is. You guys all got to play dominos like I am with this family because its tradition! There are really cool wooden ones that they bought at the Caves, I didnt see them when I went there but will look for some to take home. My comp is really cool. We get a long good and he works hard too. Mom I really like the ties and pants you put in my package and am eating all the candy and sharing with the boxer dog every night, he likes treats. Today we ate with that famliy I took the picture of with the 3 little kids. It was so fun we were doing magic and making them laugh. Cant wait to come back so you guys can meet all these people. Im really loving my mission now. Its going by so fast and I dont want it to end! I almost have 15 months now and its almost the new year again. Well thanks for all the emails and pictures. You guys have fun in Mexica and take lots of pics for me okay and some videos from the beach. Love everyone and talk to you later!!

Elder Ben

1 comment:

nataly9302 said...

elder rencher
por si me kiere firmar
mandeme un saludo hehehe!!!

pues lla cambie mucho
y aora mi meta es ser misionera
y un buen ejemplo a seguir komo usted!!